Access to healthbuk and all of its affiliate services is given to you on the condition that you are a registered member who accept and agrees to these terms of services and all related agreement or provisions listed below.
If you do not agree with the current terms of services and all related agreement or provisions listed below, do not use the service.
By registering to use the service you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms and have the authority to act on behalf of any person.We are not responsible for any data breech or data leakage without your consent but we are and will continue to work hard in securing your data as our top priority.You as a user can opt not to use the platform at any point of care but if you decide to use this platform in anyway you do so at your own risk.
Healthbuk is not owned by doctors or health centers,healthbuk is not responsible in any way for the medical advice or treatment received by a patient.
We have the right to change the terms and condition at any time without notification to you.We may attempt to notify you of any changes, but we are not obligated to do so.
To use some parts of the service you may be required to register and provide certain information about yourself,including your email and password (credentials). You should keep your credentials private and not share your credentials with anyone else.You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your credentials especially your username and password.
You may not copy, publish or distribute medical records on any social media platform or any other third party paltform without our consent.You agree to use the application or service entirely with their lawful and intended limits and you agree not to tamper with any medical records.
Healthbuk have no authority over health care center administration management (we have no right to confirm,delete,reject,block doctors except the health care center).
Your use of the service may cause you to incur fees charged for data usage by your mobile network carrier, or cause you to incur other third party terms and fees, and such fees and/or third party terms are your sole responsibilities
All rights, designs, input texts, information or other property and materials are protected by copyright, trademark and other forms of proprietary rights.
You agree that if you create an account and use the healthbuk service on behalf of a health service provider you have the necessary legal authority and capacity to do so.You are responsible for your log in credentials and you are responsible for keeping your account information private
Healthbuk is free for health care centers and will continue to be free, patients are entitled to a 1 month (subject to change) free usage after which the healthcare centers are required to bill patients a fee of 2 Ghana cedis (subject to change), during the 1 month period of free trial, healthbuk have the right to keep all medical records saved in our server.Payment should be made to healthbuk prior to the end of the month. Healthbuk may change its payment method in the future and would notify healthcare center prior to implementation
Government or any other third party have no right to access user’s information unlawfully without a court order.
As a registered user, you will be provided with a login information synonymous to a folder number through which healthcare center will use to access your folder as well as you accessing your medical folder remotely,your account is personal to the primary account holder and you may not share your account and login information with, or allow access to your account by any third party. You will be responsible for all activity that occurs under your account and access credentials, you should take care to preserve the confidentiality of your folder pin code,Username and password
You agree that healthbuk is not responsible for any unlawful access to or use of the service by any employee or patient to whom you gave access or log in credentials
You are solely responsible for any health related information exported from healthbuk service by you or, if you are a healthcare provider, the employees and patients that you allow access from your account. You represent and warrant that you will export and subsequently use protected health information only as permitted by court order.
You are responsible for complying with laws related to protection of medical data and record, patient’s access and amendment to information, and patient’s authorization to release data.